05. The philosophy of limits
Friday, 25 October 2024
10:00 - 11:30 h
We think, philosophically or not, through and thanks to limits. By recognizing something as a limit we have already overcome it. There are temporal and material limits, limits that separate and unite, and at the same time there is the contemporary drive to transcend these limits. In this session the philosophical fertility of the limit will be tested, going from the abstract and infinite to the concrete and singular.
- Remedios Zafra, writer and essayist, researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC. 2017 Anagrama Essay Award for El entusiasmo (Anagrama, 2017)
- Santiago Alba Rico, essayist and writer, author of Ser o no ser (un cuerpo) (Seix Barral, 2017 )
- Daniel Gamper, professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the University Autonomous of Barcelona, author of De qué te ríes. Beneficios y estragos de la broma (Herder Editorial, 2024)
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