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María Ángeles Durán

She is Professor of Sociology and ad honorem research professor at the Centre for Human and Social Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council. Her main research topics are unpaid work, inequalities in health and dependency, the social situation of women, the use of time and urban planning. In 2018 she received the National Prize for Sociology and Political Science (CIS, 2018). She holds honorary doctorates  from the universities of Valencia, Autónoma de Madrid, Granada, and La Rioja. In 2002 she received the National Research Award for Social, Economic and Legal Sciences "Pascual Madoz."

In her most recent book, The Invisible Wealth of Care (2018), she proposes numerous innovations for economic and sociological research. She has published more than two hundred works. Among them, the books The Invisible Costs of Disease (2003), If Aristotle Raised His Head (2003), Unpaid Work in the Global Economy (2012), Older People in the Economy of the Basque Country (2014) and the articles "The Other Spanish Economy" (2015) and "The Impossible Neutrality of Science" (2016).

She has collaborated with United Nations agencies (UNESCO, WHO, ILO, Economic Commission for Latin America, United Nations Development Programme, UNFPA, and UN Women), as well as with numerous public and private foundations. She is a member of the European Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Malaga, the advisory committee on ageing of the Fundación General CSIC and the Advisory Committee of the Centre for Sociological Research. She is an honorary member of the Madrid Association of Architects. She has carried out research stays at the Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan), Colegio de España in Paris, European Institute of Florence, University of Washington (Seattle), University of Cambridge, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and National Autonomous University of Mexico. She has been president of the Spanish Federation of Sociology, a member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association, founder and director of the Institute of Women's Studies of the Autonomous University of Madrid and of the UNESCO Chair "Equality Policies." Outside the academic field, she has received the Medal of Extremadura, the Gold Medal of Work, the Protagonists Award (awarded by the media), the Messengers of Peace Award, the Health and Society Award, the Senate of the Argentine Republic "Juana Azurduy", the Madrid City Council Award "Clara Campoamor" and the "Gedeon Richter" Award as the best researcher.





Generalitat Valenciana

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