Carolina Ciuti

Curator of contemporary art and director of the journal She holds a degree in Art History from the University of Florence (2009-2012) and a master's degree in Contemporary Art from Sotheby's Institute of Art in London (2013-2015). Since 2017, she has also been artistic director of the LOOP Barcelona video creation festival, where she began working in 2015 as part of the curatorial team. At the LOOP she has produced exhibitions, film seasons and performances by internationally renowned artists such as Regina de Miguel, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Alekandra Mir, Muntadas, Steina and Woody Vasulka and Antoni Vidokle. She has curated exhibitions, performances and film seasons in institutions such as: Spazio Volta (Bergamo, 2022), Fundació Antoni Tàpies (Barcelona, 2022), Centro Cultural de España en México (Mexico City, 2022), Westbund Art and Design Fair (Shanghai, 2021), Filmoteca de Catalunya (Barcelona, 2020), Fabra i Coats – Centre d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, 2019), Reial Cercle Artístic, (Barcelona, 2018), Cinéphèmère-FIAC Paris (2017, 2018, 2019), MACBA-Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Barcelona, 2016), among others. She has edited the publications I Have A Friend Who Knows Someone Who Bought a Video, Once (LOOP Barcelona, Mousse Publishing, 2016) and Before The Name: a book on an itinerant performance project. (RAM Editions, 2018). Since 2015, she has been writing frequently for ATLAS, an Italian publishing house specializing in the education sector. Between 2017 and 2022 she was a founding member of CRiB, a group dedicated to carrying out hybrid projects between visual arts, theatre and performance and recipient of awards such as Movin'Up – Spettacolo e Performing Arts (2018), Premio della critica Teatro Sociale Gualtieri (2018), among others.
