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Antonio Ariño

Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences. He has a degree in Geography and History and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Valencia.

His research focuses on the field of Sociology of Culture, Welfare Policies and Sociological Theory. He received the National Research Award for The Ritual City (Anthropos). He has been director of the Observatory of the Participation and Living Conditions of University Students (ECoViPEU). He is currently director of the Institute of Social Sciences at the IAM. 

In relation to his teaching activity, he has taught the subjects of General Sociology, Sociological Theory and Sociology of Culture. In addition, he has taught in the Master's Degree in Cultural Management and in the Master's Degree in Social and Health Care for Dependency. 

He was Director of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Vice-Rector for Studies and Academic Organisation, Vice-Rector for European Convergence and Quality, Vice-Rector for Planning and Equality and is currently Vice-Rector for Culture and Equality. He was vice-president of the Spanish Federation of Sociology. He is a member of the University of Valencia’s teaching staff.




Generalitat Valenciana

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