Saturday, 19 October 2024

9:00 - 19:00 h

L'Androna Baleària Port

Event aimed at teachers, guidance staff and families.


This space promotes intellectual development, the promotion of creativity, the preservation of cultural heritage, and the encouragement of critical thinking and cultural sensitivity.


In this space, we work and reflect on the management of emotions both at school and at home, helping students to be and live together. We teach them to identify, express and manage their emotions, and to resolve conflicts through dialogue. In addition, we explore different techniques to learn to relax and encourage respect, empathy and tolerance. All this contributes to creating a conscious emotional bond between students and the teaching team.



09:30 a.m. WELCOME

09:45 a.m. Laia Mestres

"Educating emotionally competent children and adolescents"

Laia Mestres is an Emotional Education Professional with extensive experience in the implementation of emotional development projects aimed at the educational and socio-community field; he directs the emotional development initiative An Unusual Brain focused on the creation, implementation and evaluation of Emotional Education programs; creator of the emotional development program Look Inside.

11:15 a.m.

Provided by the company Serunion S.A.

With the collaboration of students of the CEE Raquel Payá School.

12:00 noon Cecilia Martí
“Separated as a couple, together as father and mother"

Cecilia Martí is a teacher, university specialist in Family Guidance and Mediation, therapist in Family Constellations, diploma in Systemic Pedagogy and master's degree in Humanistic Psychotherapy. Co-author of “As Close as Possible. Basis for a healthy affective and sexual education” and “The divorce that unites us,” with Eva Bach. She is the mother of two daughters and has two beautiful grandchildren.

1:30 p.m. LUNCH

3:30 p.m. Caterina De Francisco Mallo

“Education, Security and Digital Health"

Caterina De Francisco Mallo, delegate of Citizen Participation in the National Police of Dénia

5:00 p.m. Roberto Aguado

“Mental Health: The Power of Knowing You Can"

Roberto Aguado is a psychologist specializing in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy with an outstanding career in both the academic and professional fields. He holds a master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, as well as being a specialist in Selective Dissociation Targeting and Time-Limited Psychotherapy. Aguado has been a teacher and tutor in institutions such as the UNED, in addition to collaborating with the Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and Health Psychology and various universities, where he has directed external internships.

Aguado is also a communicator with experience in media outlets such as Radio Nacional de España, Onda Cero and CMMedia, in addition to having written numerous articles in newspapers such as El País, El Mundo and ABC.

6:30 p.m. CLOSING

